Episode 4

A Diverse & Authentic Clinical Team

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Episode 4

 We discuss the importance of having a strong clinical team that is diverse in their strengths and approaches, but above all, has the ability to show up as their authentic self.


  • How many clinicians may have the same credentials, but each may have unique approaches and skillsets in how they support their clients. Dissolving the tension between the individual struggling with addiction and the family members
  • The importance of appropriately matching a treatment program’s curriculum to the skillsets of each individual clinician, AND making sure the clinicians are willing to be immersed into the culture. 
  • How in order to be a great and impactful clinician, it requires some crucial and extra fundamental pieces (outside of licenses and credentials) to actually be able to support and show up for clients. 

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In order to do this work, you have to your own work. You have to work on yourself and have a high degree of self-awareness, appropriately placed boundaries, along with an openness. In order to be open to impacting people you also get to be open to being impacted by people, it goes both ways.
Jason Friesema MA, LPC, LAC, – Chief Clinical Officer
In addiction treatment, authenticity in a counselor is absolutely the most essential. A lot of our clients have experienced treatment and counseling in the past, so they know the language, the “clinical jargon”, they can read a counselor who is not being genuine like that. So they need to be able to show up as their true self.
Clinton Nicholson, MA, LPC, NCC – Chief Operations Officer

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